Haiti & the children.........

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Last evening Matt & I looked up Haiti and viewed it from Google Earth and measured how big and how far it is from the United States. I read the state department on the warnings of traveling there.

It is a country that has been in dire need of revival and transformation. I think I read 1 in 4 people have HIV? Reigns of terror, poverty, violence and things I can't even begin to write here, has plagued this country for a long time.

Pray for people we know there. Pray for those that are in the midst of this tragedy and most of all pray for the children--I worry the most about them. I wish I could be there with food, water, hugs & a safe place to rest their little bodies.
I worry they can't get supplies to the them fast enough, it makes me sad to think of their suffering. I want to shield their eyes from it all.


alee said...

Amen--Our hearts & minds have been there too! May the Lord be ever close to them!

Katie Runnels said...

The images from the news are so horrific...like you, I especially feel for the bewildered and hurting children. I'm praying with you! xo

Anonymous said...

My heart feels the same way you do about the children, I wish I could shild their eyes and give them arms to rest in. I know God and the angels are there, with their arms around them. My prayer is that they know that and can rest in knowing that.


PCovi said...

Me too. Can't get it off my mind and don't want to...
I'm excited though about the Haiti by Hand etsy shop someone set up...4 things I donated have sold in two days so I feel like I'm helping in a small way!

Rebecca said...

Transformation, yes--my prayers continue to go out as well. A friend of mine passed on this powerful piece by Haitian-American writer Edwidge Danticat--http://www.newyorker.com/talk/comment/2010/02/01/100201taco_talk_danticat--the ending gets me every time.