Wintry & Pink at McMaster & Storm
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Posted by McMaster & Storm at 3:18 PM 6 comments
Labels: displays, McMaster and Storm, pinks, Winter
Love, Kara
Monday, January 28, 2008
Bolts & Bolts of Hawaiian fabric
I'm back, well sort of.....I still have 80 degree weather on my mind. I miss that the most--- it's brrr cold here in Ohio. I'm so glad to see family & friends AND customers! I'm really glad to be back, Maui is only 48 miles long & 26 miles wide as Darcy says "wow a big gust of wind and you would blow right off the island". I would eventually feel trapped if I live there. I did find one funky junk/antique store among all the souvenir shops.
When I returned to the store I was shocked: Darcy outdid herself (again)! The store has no remnants of Christmas. New merchandise is arriving & the window displays are cheering up the town. We even have a tiny sale room, Darcy opened a closet that is under a stairway, has exposed brick--- (75% off mind you)!
Alas! I can't find the new pics of the store, they're somewhere in a file AND I will try to post these tonight. grrrr
Other news folks, Darcy & I will be heading to NYC this weekend. We hope to scour and bring back lots of goodies. Inspiration abounds here and we are blessed to be able to go. (www.aa.com & click on last minute vacation packages--hotel & airfare is combined, this was an incredible deal) I wanted to post this for our shop owner friends as shows can be pricey, this is through American Airlines.
Posted by McMaster & Storm at 4:17 AM 3 comments
Labels: Amy Butler, fabric, NYC, sale
Love, Darcy
Friday, January 18, 2008
Well, as you all know, Kara is off to more pleasing and warmer climates while I, Darcy am frantic and freezing. Things continue to change @ McMaster and Storm, whether its all good hummmm.!? Our wonderful gal Sara has kept me in line and encourages me when I'm ready to pull the plug!!! And then there's Amber of course, well let's just say, she is a total and complete life saver when I'm at the end of the rope ....stressed beyond return. A big and hearty thanks for their continued support.
I have to say, alot has come to fruition since the abandonment of my loyal business partner!! I"ll admit figuring out a computer is not my cup of tea, (I prefer green with cream and honey). Then add a website layout to that and well enough said : FRAZZLED! But really It's going well considering all the planning, but you know me, MRS. NOW !!!! It's now or never . Keep your eyes peeled because real soon it'll be up and running for all you that can't stop by and see us just on a whim. Our amazing illustrator is working extra hard to finish our artwork, and let me say, oh how wonderfully delightful it is!!
pics coming soon!
Posted by McMaster & Storm at 1:09 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Kara has been in Hawaii for awhile........let's say she has never taken a vacation for this long. An opportunity, so their little family took off across the Pacific to escape cold weather in Ohio. This is from her point of view,
I'm feeling a little odd with all this time on my hands, I'm used to a schedule.....instead no appointments, no working, no telemarketing calls, no nothing except for sunny skies, waves, tropical plants and fresh pineapple. I need to just relax. We now have a better Internet connection so I'm catching up on blog land!
Check out "tongue in cheek's" matchmaking story, click on our links to the right of page. Corey has been entertaining us all with this charming tale.
Darcy has been at home orchestrating our e-commerce website, this has been a goal of ours for awhile and will be great to see this happen.
Posted by McMaster & Storm at 10:59 AM 6 comments
Labels: tongue in cheek, Travel, Updates