Summer is about gathering at friends {Jill's fun party}
We sure love ribbon the colors of gelato tucked in clear bags..........
Summer is all about water...........
Boards are up on walls & ceiling-----I can't believe it! Now for the closet & wall by washer & dryer............
Sink & faucet are picked out, I'll show you soon what I decided on. Part of taking so long was meeeee! I take forever making decisions especially when it comes to a room that we'll use a ton.
I posted today's date in the title as I was hoping to have a baby on this day. 8/9/10 now isn't that swell! Well, it hasn't happened yet!
It's been a relaxing summer as I have been taking it easy. There has been some flurry in getting baby's room together and getting Zach's new bed set up. I need the crib for the new little one!
The fuss has been that I have had severe pregnancy insomnia since about the 2nd week of June.
The lack of sleep drives me crazy, and I'm amazed what I have gotten accomplished. There are some days I just sit a lot and watch the boys play.