Friday, March 9, 2012

Painted Kitchen Floor

 The Linoleum Lacquer® has a great finish. It's very thick paint, I used a 6 inch foam roller. The foam was perfect for the application.  {see my final thoughts on Linoleum Lacquer® here}

{See, I have one cabinet painted. 1st coat anyway!  The dark splotch is a test of the Annie Sloan dark wax. The cabinets will get the natural wax treatment as the dark is well, too dark!}

{Had to put the shutters up to reduce the blinding sun, which is appreciated here in Ohio. They will be attached once I strip the windows. I have never striped woodwork, so this shall be interesting. I purchased this book for restoration advice on windows.} Spring and summer sounds good for that project.

 When we moved in 7 years ago we painted only the walls in the kitchen. Haven't done much in here except hang an antique light. See the cabinets on the left? That wall would be lovely knocked out and opened up to our porch and finish the porch as part of the kitchen.  First, need to finish painting cabinets and then the attic project. The kitchen is complicated as to lay the wood floor we want to lay the flooring under the cabinets. Quite a big project and in no hurry to not have a kitchen with 3 little ones.
Freckled laundry painted her countertops---I would like to change our countertops, but will wait to do those when the whole kitchen project is tackled!

Do you take on house projects with fervor and finish them up fast?? {We do not! haha}


  1. It looks great! Enjoy your weekend:)

  2. The list of good things about formica countertops just goes on and on. They are the best choice that you can make if you want to redo the look of your kitchen or bathroom. Not only are they inexpensive, but they can also bring an aesthetic value to these areas of your home.


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