Thursday, March 8, 2012

About {Linoleum Lacquer®}

Some of you have requested what kind of paint I used for my linoleum.....
Linoleum Lacquer specifically formulated for linoleum, how cool is that! I love that it's keeping the dirt on top of the paint, has a great finish. However, the paint is not holding up as well as I would like.

The prep work took longer than the actual painting and the dry time is 48 hours with each coat.
I do love seeing the ugly linoleum covered up and it's so much cleaner!

*Update: My floor has been finished for 1.5 weeks and it's chipping off in too many places. I would think twice about the work that goes into the prep + painting. Really, there are a lot of reasonable flooring choices and can lay it in less time than it takes this stuff to dry! Remember you are without that room for 96 hours after painting if you do 2 coats of lacquer. I thought it was a good solution for at least a year until we lay our wood flooring.  Sigh.


  1. Well, I guess you answered that last question here, sorry;)

  2. Thanks for all the advice I think ill give that idea a miss.


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