Wednesday, March 7, 2012

This Past Week {Homekeeping}


This past week:
*Painted our kitchen floor {will suffice until the wood floor is laid. I couldn't take the terra-cotta linoleum any longer.}
*We moved into my parent's house while floor was drying. 4 nights and it worked out well as my parent's were still on vacation. No internet there so that is why we whittled away at this below :)
*Taxes almost ready---{what is it about the last little piece of info that is needed?}
*Restocked pantry/freezer/fridge {major food expedition at Meijer, Kroger, bulk food store & Landes Fresh Meats} We're ready for a sudden snowstorm, it's Ohio and March after all.
*Hired an assistant to help with the shop. I cannot do it all! {really? haha.}
*Then I found this & this {awhile back} lots more to come on the latter.......


  1. sounds like you are getting lots done! that Minimalist blog is very interesting...lots to think about there...very good reading.


  2. You should post pictures of your kitchen floor...sounds interesting, as I do not love my linoleum. :)

  3. Betsy,
    I will be posting pics of kitchen when the cabinets are painted.......takes so long {for me} to get projects finished.

  4. Oh yes, here I am asking you for pics when I haven't showed you mine, but I REALLY want to see how it turned out. What type of paint did you use?


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