Thursday, September 2, 2010

Baby Pics

Well, it seems it has been baby everything around here lately. Since I didn't know we were having a girl
I had things ready for boy or girl. Now that she has arrived it's pink and girlie things in full force! I dug around in the attic & brought out things I had bought for gifts. Thank goodness I kept some of those girlie "gifts"!
My favorite print

Vivi sleeps well just at the wrong hours! I need to learn to take more naps......I'm afraid I've been overdoing it!
Somewhat organized armoire in her room. 

On another note I cleaned the office and inventory area. Hopefully can cross off some business goals that has been put off for months now. 

Thank you for your sweet comments & emails dear ones.......


  1. Vivi is just precious!
    I view your blog often but don't comment much. Saw that pretty little love and had to comment today!
    So tell me....did you not want to know if she was a boy or girl or were you told one thing and got another? I ask this because my son and his wife are expecting their first child and they have been told it's a boy. Personally I think, whatever happened to the good old day when you didn't know until the birth???
    Thank you for sharing...and I love that print too!

  2. she is so sweet...Praying all is going well & that you are resting a little :)...

  3. ahhh, I just can't wait to squeeze her! She is just precious:)
    See you tomorrow - after lunch:)

  4. Oh, she is a precious little peach!!
    so happy for you and your family...hooray for a dash of sugar and spice!! xoxoxo

  5. so glad you got a girl.I saw your sister at a funeral last week.

  6. oh my goodness....what a precious little love she is! So happy for you Kara!


thanks for peeking! we love your comments!