Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Vivian Miette

Pink, Pink & more Pink!
It's a girl!

Vivian Miette born
August 22nd & on Darcy's daughter's birthday!

Vivian means "full of life" & Miette means "small sweet thing" or "little crumb".  I suppose she'll get called "Vivi" as well. 

We were pleased as punch to have a girl and the sweetest thing is we didn't find out. We are so blessed to have a healthy baby girl.

& in loving memory of Vivian Kate Colombo, another reason this name is so loved......

{yes, I'll post pictures of her soon}


  1. How absolutely wonderful! Congratulations to you & your family!

  2. What a sweet blessing- a girl! Congratulations!!! Can't wait to see a picture...

  3. Congratulations on your new bundle of *PINK* joy! Can't wait to see the pics.

  4. Yay!Congrats & Gods blessings to your little family :)..
    Can't wait to see pic.s!

  5. Oh, Happy, Happy! Congratulations! God Bless you and your precious little one! I am so happy for you!!!

  6. What a beautiful name! Congratulations to all of you. Can't wait for pictures of that sweet girl.

  7. Oh Kara..Matt..Luke..& Zach..What a sweet, sweet blessing it is to have a little girl and sister!
    May God bless you with a peacefulness within to be able to make it through these next few weeks of the delightful yet so tiring days (:

    I want to come see this little babe..will call you

    ..I had wondered if you realized about Sweet Vivian special and her Aunt Ruthie is Vivian also (:

  8. ~~~welcome~~~vivi~~~

    Congratulations! I can't even imagine the excitement for the surprise arrival of a sweet baby girl! Kudos for the self-control it took to not find out... well worth the wait!

    Can' :)

    Much love... Joni

  9. Can't wait to come over. I'm just beside myself waiting...trying to give you some time to adjust!!!
    see ya soon!!

  10. What a blessing! I love the name, so sweet! Congratulations!

  11. Congrats... Can't wait to see her! You'll have so much fun with little girl things! God bless

  12. Congratulations! I know you all are just thrilled to have that sweet little pink bundle of sweet. Can't wait to see the pictures.

  13. Oh congratulations!! I'm sure your sweet family is elated!! Vivian Miette is a beautiful name!


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