Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Where are Darcy & Kara?

Can you find Darcy & Kara?

Really we are here just flying around like crazy people. {Burping baby, feeding baby, lack of sleep, changing diapers is on Kara's full plate} {+ there's her 3 year old that is a busy bee} {Luke retorts- "Hey Mom, I woke Zach up!} arrrrrrrgh!
Darcy is on the other hand working on a project for the web boutique & involves her total concentration!

Meanwhile, how do all of you even twitter????????? I can't even manage to figure out to create a new folder on the mac + find the time to blog! I feel like I'm twittering all the time without twittering. Ok, I really had little sleep last night, I'm not even making sense!

Later on I have a funny post about Darcy and sorta involves Earth day without us even realizing it would make a perfect post. I will post this later on Farmhouse tales.

Must go and ship orders!


  1. Kara--

    You crack me up: Twittering without really Twittering. I think you're right! If you're interested, go to and sign up for a profile. Like you need one more thing to do! :)


  2. Panicking. What and where is Farmhouse tales? Do you have another blog that you're hiding somewhere? If not, please post Earth Day tale soon. You've got me all atwitter.

  3. Exactly...twittering without twittering....I can't have one more technical thing in my life!:-)


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