Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Farmhouse Tale {Earth Day}

When I called Darcy on Tuesday and asked how she was,
she replied......"cold".
"Why?" I said
"Well, we are out of propane and refuse to buy more at this point, she exclaimed &
the weather is supposed to be very warm by the end of the week, she said."
Darcy said, "I could take a hot bath, but then I would need to get out so what's the point of taking a hot bath!"
She then stated, "I even got back in bed and took a nap as it was nice and cozy under the blankets!"
Kudos to Darcy & her family for bundling up and using less energy.......

Now, here's a tour of her farmhouse:
Darcy's style: Antiquing meets garage sale meets Anthropologie meets Goodwill meets
McMaster & Storm meets trend-less, but timeless =Darcy

Here's a peek into Darcy's life in her farmhouse she shares with her loved ones!

"Come on in!" {Original door still in use saving trees!}
Vintage Dr.'s metal cabinet
Vintage light
Old display cabinet, base former Victoria's Secret display
{recycle, recycle}
Old bust, new lamp & pair of Domino style dogs: McMaster & Storm
Mirrored cabinet: garage sale
Dining table & chairs: consignment store
Buffet & display cabinet: found from a newspaper ad
Old store display stand
Wrought iron coffee table: vintage,
on top assortment of new & old finds
Chair found at Annie Oakley days $3.00

Old mirrors
Shower curtain: new, Anthropologie, shutters vintage
Vintage sheet music, cabinet made from old windows & lumber

Wine: a good vintage!!!!
Stainless steel table from an antique store
Dresser: Goodwill

Pair of matching chairs: Goodwill $9.00 a piece,
original spotless upholstry.
Tilly: new! Since Darcy isn't having any more children
she used her girl name for the doggie!

Vintage lamp FREE! Kara has the other matching lamp.
A lovely customer thought these looked just like us & boy was she right!
Rug: free
those chairs again!
Sofa new just refreshed with a canvas drop cloth from McMaster & Storm
{recycle, recycle}
Table: junking
Vintage white tablecloth

This is just a sampling of the many things that Darcy has found in odd, inexpensive places.
She buys what she loves..........

The End.


  1. Love it. Soaking in each picture and resting easy because I don't have to dust this place. I've only been in the room that used to be her store, and now I've been inside. Sort of, in a computer relationship kind of way. Thanks for sharing. I love house pictures.

  2. What a lovely home...and Tilly is the sweetest!

  3. So very beautiful! Wish she'd come decorate my place.....

  4. Hi, girls!--

    Darcy, I LOVE Tilly {what a sweetie, and what a fantastic name} and I LOVE the blue wall color in your bathroom. Thanks for letting us in!


  5. oh I love it! Love, love the dining room table and chairs, and all the thrifted chest and cabinets. I am a sucker for chest and cabinets...

  6. That was a fun tour and I love how she mixed old with new with vintage with all fits together perfectly. I also LOVE that she buys what she LOVES...that is what it is all about.

  7. Ummmm Darcy...where did you get that fabulous "free" rug? If that is the one that Mary Kate gave you, I think I will just ask for it back!! ;) Have a good day, Bill

  8. love peeking thru the farmhouse
    window-the bloomin' buffet- tilly
    and tootsies ! I want your d. room chairs - 4 will do !

  9. bill-------
    yes, mary kate handed that over to darc!
    i'll let darc handle negotiations with
    how's WA? are you going to the farm chicks show?
    k & d too

  10. Washington is as wonderful as ever. It was 84 Monday, and I decided, like Darc, that we did not need anymore furnace oil. This morning our house was 52degrees. ;(

    Yes we go to the Farm Chicks every year. But... check out this great show that we do every summer. Be sure and check it out.

  11. I'm loving the chance to peek at all of the treasures in Darcy's home!So fun and unique! Thanks for sharing.

  12. oh my goodness...what a dreamy homestead! where to start gushing...that amazing and free?! rug under the dining table? everything is so lovely...thank you for inviting us in! where have i been? I just got the idea of taking a road trip to see your shop while in indy later this month and i see now you are online only! whaaa!! I am too late! best wishes to you! I gotta come around more often!! xoxo


thanks for peeking! we love your comments!