Friday, November 9, 2007

Things to come

1. We're doing a show in Bexley, Ohio at the Jeffrey Mansion, this weekend. The Mansion is near Columbus, Ohio.
It's called the "Shop Hop" to raise money for the restoration. We'll be taking pictures of the show & we're going to check out a couple of boutiques as well!

2. My Mother waited a long time for a new kitchen. I will be posting a series about using new & old materials in her kitchen, etc.

3. We'll be posting with another favorite blogger about ideas, that is still "under wraps"! We'll keep you posted.

4. Enjoy your weekend!
Kara & Darcy


  1. Best wishes to you at the Bexley Mansion, girls. I know you will steal the show, as usual. :) If you have a moment when you're there, grab a coffee and a slice of something yummy at Cup O' Joe on Main Street in Bexley. It's one of my favorite old haunts from my teaching days!

  2. Can't wait to see the photos of the mansion. How fun! I found your blog from a list that a client is having me add to her favorites. So glad I found you. Your store is beautiful!

  3. I just found you by way of another blog and I almost plotzed when I saw where you're located. I live in Piqua. Finally, a fantastic store close to where I live!! I'll be visiting soon!


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