Tuesday, November 13, 2007

November 9th -11th event in Bexley, Ohio: Jeffrey Mansion

Contrary to previous post this "Shop Hop" event was to benefit:
The Shop Hop raises funds for scholarships for programs offered through Bexley Recreation to children from Bexley and surrounding neighborhoods.

Thanks to Victoria Zamensky & Karen Page for organizing this event, your efforts were well received. Bless you! We enjoyed our weekend at the Jeffrey Mansion. We will see you next year!

Here are pictures and some newsy news from this past weekend:
The gals behind Bloomsbury Loft:
Karla, Beth & Judith. A group of talented artists who run a darling shop. We want to
invite them down for an artist event next year. They make jewelry, hair accessories, etc.
made with new & vintage finds.

Take the path less traveled-- Stone steps at the Jeffrey Mansion

Tom owner of T. David Collection in German Village.
Dorothy of Tickled Pink & Todd.
(Todd is a twin & another set of siblings is twins, WOW, that's amazing!)
They kept us entertained over the weekend. Enjoyed getting to know creative people.

Package wrapped with a Christmas Curiosities ornament tucked on the outside.

White lights outside on beautiful hued trees

Outside view of back of Mansion

Edward Jekot of Christmas Curiosities. Amazing talent. We want him to come as well to our
store to present his line of Christmas wonders.

Anne Fletcher of Pistacia Vera, amazing Parisian Macaroons.
Lovely to have this in Ohio. My Mother spent a lot of time over there at the shop hop.
She said we'll just have their desserts for Thanksgiving & forget fixing a meal. Ha

Anne Fletcher, co-owner of Pistacia Vera.

McMaster & Storm is selling fresh Bay Leaf wreaths, and will be
reordering as they were a hit.

Beth, "the queen"

One morning we rose early to take pictures of the amazing older homes
in the Bexley, Ohio neighborhood.

This lady of the house was looking outside when we stopped
in front of her home. She made motion of a camera with her hands.
We laughed, she was smiling & waving. This was one of our favorites!!

Loved the shaped boxwoods & ornamental cabbage

Desserts at Mozart's Bakery

Our table at the Shop Hop

Another point of view of McMaster & Storm.


  1. Looks great girls! Wish I could have seen it in person! Glad it went well for you, keep it up!

  2. I love that little girl with feathers ornament/gift adornment. Actually, I love lots of them and am wondering if you have them available at your store. I missed the ShopHop this year and so frustrated that I didn't get to see these sweet curiosities in person. Do you have prices on them? Can they be ordered?

  3. I found him! Took a bit of digging and googling, but found Edward and was able to purchase some ornaments via email (ejjekot@aol.com). Very excited - - simple and easy. I got a great one with beautiful trim and a dog which will be a perfect gift for my pet pal and he is designing a few special ornaments with horses. The artist is Edward Jekot (you have “Jeket”) and he lives in German Village. Thank you so much. Looking forward to visiting your “petite department store” in 2008.

  4. Pretty places and things in this post! Love it!

    Happy Thanksgiving Girls! Looking forward to our upcoming fun! :-)

  5. These deserts look like a wonderful simphony ...


thanks for peeking! we love your comments!