Thursday, September 13, 2012

Country Living Fair {Columbus+Atlanta}

My dad's shop was my inspiration for our booth at Country Living fair tomorrow! Plus, getting excited about the show in Atlanta as well. {Yup, we are doing the Atlanta Country Living Fair, crazy fun indeed!} This time we are in a group tent--so far it's ok. In Atlanta we will have our own tent/space.

I was able to photograph the shop right before my little brother started cleaning it up. New generation & plans for a brand new shop. However, I like the quirkiness of the old-school shop.
Love the door---

old commercial bread pans hold odds & ends....
work chair for working on equipment
I remember this tool box---
See you tomorrow, no?!!!
Have an amazing weekend ahead--supposed to be lovely weather.


  1. Hope your weekend is wonderful with tons of customers! And how cool that you are also going to ATLANTA! I know you were really wanting to do that - I want to hear how it worked out for this year! How totally exciting for you and your business! Woo-Hoo!

  2. What a great shop! Wow, you are doing Atlanta too! I'm am trying to get my plans together to go to the ATL show...hope I can make it. How did your shared tent space work out? :)


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