Monday, September 5, 2011


 was a gift--fun to get up and open the day to cooler weather, brrr! Cups of coffee & cream we sipped!
Homemade lemon blueberry pancakes for breakfast, yum!

I found a postcard we mailed to our customers for our fall open house in 2007:
Autumn has come once more......lingering along thru September & October in a succession of crisp, fresh, chilly days with amber sunsets and frosted mornings.....

 How was your Labor day? I worked on pricing things for the event. 

 I wish everyone a happy & creative week.
 I love nature. This week we are enjoying an afternoon in the woods. It is a place where we hunt & gather our nature findings. Some for the house and some for the 'event'!
I love simple with a little 'fuss'!
 Ending the day with thanksgiving and a batch of fresh chocolate chip cookies!


  1. You're wrapping is always so pretty!

  2. We had a cool morning too and I loved it! Although I am a little sad for summer to end. Fresh choc chip cookies...what could be a better ending to a day?!

  3. that could totally be your tag line: simple with a bit of fuss

    love the polka dots on the packages

    can you believe your event is already here?? good gravy!


thanks for peeking! we love your comments!