Monday, November 8, 2010

Update for McMaster & Storm

 Hello! Many of you have emailed, called and wondered WHEN we would have a shop update! Where has the little shop gone? Why hasn't it been updated with new product? Are you disappearing?

The answer is we are still here! Although we are working frantically behind the scenes on a refreshed website we need to wait on Mr. Tech Guy. He has now pushed it back until______! We are not giving an exact date as we don't want to get our hopes up then another delay. We are certain it will before the end of the year!

Now, to solve this matter of new products {tech guy says don't upload new product until it's moved to new server} We are on ETSY! Some of the new products you see here are on there, if not they will be by the 12th of November.  {and many more new things will be added that are not shown here!}

Here is the ETSY link---- McMaster & Storm's Swan and Shears-----

Any questions, please we'll be happy to help!


  1. Oh happy happy joy joy! I'm headed that way to peek!

  2. So glad you are on Etsy...I will enjoy checking out all the lovelies!

  3. Hello!
    Thanks so much for your kind comment on my new blog... sometimes the computer can be very frustrating. I need to load my blogshop, too much to do!
    Everything looks great here, love the burlap twine, I will have to hop on over to your etsy.
    Blessings today


thanks for peeking! we love your comments!