Saturday, October 23, 2010


Vivian's 1 month old photo shoot.
{I'm picking out photos--right now as she is 2 months.....clock is ticking}
{the grandmas are getting impatient, really impatient with me}

I must get this done's been a whirlwind week nothing too exciting just a lot of crumbs on the floor
from my oldest 2 crumb crunchers.

Thanks to Andrea at 100 wishes for the most delightful mary jane socks {they are cutie pie cute} & french-y prints for her room. thank you........{Andrea had a girl, Sofia in May after having two boys, we are in love with pink. amen.}

Happy fall weekend to you.......


  1. the pic is not showing up...??

  2. How totally ADORABLE!! She looks like her brothers but oh she looks like a little girl!! isn't it great how God made male and female different? She's just daintier, and there is something so 'pretty' about her that boys don't have. LOVE the pic, can't wait to have one!!

  3. Just precious! She looks like a happy little girl. What a blessing for your family!


thanks for peeking! we love your comments!