Thursday, June 3, 2010

Company's Coming!

My agenda for May was cleaning & more cleaning + fluffing for company. Goodness, I was looking forward to seeing two of my peeps. We haven't seen them & their families for 3 years!
You know how it is, nothing like company coming to get a flurry of sprucing done! {ask my husband about this--I drove him nuts!}
This cabinet was painted french country reds, yellows, blue and it was ready for a fresh look. I was married in the late 90's and that look was everywhere! Remember when Toile fabric was a must? This silly thing took me forever to finish. I always think painting takes no time at all, ha!

1st, primer by Valspar to go over glossy finishes, as this had a wax finish on it. Then, 2 or was it 3 coats of paint? I then rubbed a brown stain over the entire thing---oops my husband did that. Last, putting a wax finish on it. {Note to self: finish as you only did part of it}
Jill of sew a fine seam made me new pillows. I choose linen fabric with a flat ruffle on the ones toward the back. The front ones have a simple piping. The middle long pillow was made with fabric I have had for 8 years. I purchased the fabric at one of Nell Hill's store in Kansas. Jill was actually with me & my mom on that trip. Good grief, took me long enough to use it. It's a good thing I still liked it!
My CA friends: Karen on the left & Joy on the right.  Darcy was able to pop in to visit too! 

Now onto finishing up some Clover & Bee projects.  Next week I will hopefully get back in gear with the website. That is bugging me immensely. {Note to self: you were supposed to have that task done already!}

Then there is the mudroom project........aaaaaaaaccccccckkkkkkkk! {at least the subfloor was put down before company came!}



  1. I love how your living room looks now Kara! I liked it before too but this is so fresh and restful! Glad your company went well, take time to rest up now!

  2. Kara-love the new clean look! You have been a busy gal. I love to finish projects that I have put off. I need to refinish and cover 4 little Italian chairs that have red toile on them. It is already so warm in Oklahoma that I dread going out and working on them. I may have to get someone else to finish them for me. Sounds good!
    Thanks for stopping my blog. I have never been to Silver Bella but this year I decided to go. Do you attend?


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