Thursday, March 4, 2010

{No. 3} Pink or Blue?

I'm beginning to love the number three. Three has always had its place; grouping 3 things is kosher, 3 times a charm,  & the number 3 is in my age. All of the sudden I'm seeing 3 everywhere!
Yes, the number 3 is in August 30th when baby boy or girl arrives..............

All of my babies have been surprises, especially considering what my specialist told me after a diagnostic surgery. My journey into motherhood at first wasn't easy-ectopic pregnancy, losing a fallopian tube and waiting, waiting & more waiting.

Then Luke!
a miscarriage
Then Zach!
Then SURPRISE--- NO. 3---
I'm content, happy and love my two little boys. Matt briefly brought up the subject of No. 3  last fall and I raised an eyebrow, I believe I shook my head no emphatically.

December came and I thought a few things were different. I went & purchased 3 things
that day; I remember as it was humorous when I was at the checkout: 1. formula for Zach 2. diapers & 3. {there's that number again} THE TEST. Oui.Oui.Oui. it was to be.

I'm sure the checkout lady raised BOTH eyebrows and smiled. Did I really not throw a few more things in my cart, at least detergent, some sort of cosmetic thing-y?? I should have thrown in pickles and ice cream while I was at it.

God knows what he has planned for us and this is in His plan.......I'm just extremely surprised!

Please check out this post on a beautiful, well written simple & sweet post about a journey Alicia & her husband are on towards adoption. {Posie gets Cozy} I'm partial to her blog as it's the first blog ever I stumbled upon. Promise it will make tears spring to your eyes.
It did mine, but then I'm expecting so tears can come easy at times.



  1. YAY -- for your little family...
    They certainly are a gift from the Lord!We too have had our pregnancy/miscarry struggles & I {trust}think it makes us NOT take these sweet little bundles for granted :)!
    Shopping & planning for baby is 1/2 the fun :)..enjoy this precious time!
    Blessings to you!

  2. No. 3 I love this!!!! I am Sooo excited (: and Surprise are good ...Orrin was a sweet surprise (:Our God is amazing!

    And hey my first supermarket run with all 3 was successful today...just to give you encouragement(:

    lots of love to your growing family

  3. How fabulous for you & your family! Wishing you much happiness with your pickles & ice cream :) Congratulations!

  4. That is wonderful news! Congrats! Three is a great number, I know!

  5. Congratualtions!!What a blessing :)
    Posie is one of the very first blogs I stumbled upon too!
    Take care~

  6. I'm so excited for you! Hope you are feeling well. Blessings!

  7. Congratulation to you and your family. How exciting! I first met you at the store when you were expecting Zach. Hope you are feeling great. Can't wait for the new arrival.

  8. What a wonderful post... Congratulations, and many blessings! Hope you have an lovely pregnancy!

  9. I'm so excited for you Kara! What a happy surprise.

  10. Kara,
    What a lucky girl you are! I would love to have a third, but hubby needs a little convincing!
    Congratulations to you!

  11. Congratulations! I had a similar journey...lucky (and thrilled) to have one...over the course of 10 years, four "became" my number! Three girls and one surprise boy. All part of God's plan for me!!!

  12. Kara, congratulations--how wonderful! sending lots of happy wishes for the months to come! I'm partial but August is a wonderful month for little ones to arrive. ;)

  13. CONGRATULATIONS...Three is a perfect number....that is until there are four...(big smile)Both our children have blessed us with 4 grandbabies each!! Luke and Zach will be great big brothers! XO, Judy

  14. Oh how exciting and congrats! I love boys but "secretly" hoping you get to experience some PINK!

    ~take care

  15. oh how wonderful! blessings come at the most unlikely of times and in the most unusual ways sometimes, but still they come!

  16. oh, congratulations Kara!! I'm so happy for you! What an exciting time! Wishing you all the best and a healthy baby and mama of course.


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