Monday, February 22, 2010

Monday, Monday!

Found out that our printer indeed uses these old machines!! He doesn't print using the "letterpress" method, just cranks out our projects in a method I will not try to explain as I will surely sound silly if I do.

Darcy & I would love to bug him more and figure out how to run the ones he doesn't use to print the old way. Would be a ball to do some fun custom letterpress for McMaster & Storm.
Can you see us in printers aprons with ink everywhere? We wouldn't mind we like the smell of ink.
{Note to us: must bug if we don't have enough to do already.}
We want this tent on the front of Anthopologie's catalog. Wouldn't that look swell on our front lawn for an event??? 
{Note to self: Don't even try to find it on Ebay or Craig's List. Spend efforts working on website}
Zach turned 1 Feb. 1st while we were gone. Must celebrate as other Grandma is now back in town. 
{Note to self: please find someone else to bake the cake.}
Zach can now wave & say bye-bye, clap his hands, say "Lu" for Luke and seriously needs to go on a diet! 
{Note to self: ask pediatrician about his weight. Maybe he should drink low-fat milk??}
Fluff web-store and upload new products. 
{Note to shop proprietress's: Do 5 products a day. Don't get overwhelmed & please don't try to upload pictures on website all in one day.}
Bird embellishments will be back in stock in April. They are on a delay, as the machine that is involved in making them broke down and it is quite a process to fix. Tweet!



  1. I haven't commented in a while... Glad you made it home safely. I stayed in denial that anyone I knew was somewhere in the sun and fun while we were still buried in snow. Looking forward to seeing your remodel through pictures, I am sure it will be swoon-y, too! Have a great week... perhaps pages from the Moleskine would be good blog posts?!

    PS... Zach is the cutest, most unique looking boy. Lovin' the shiny red curls. Can I please squeeze him?

  2. yes, Kara, get someone else to do the cake. It makes the party sooo much more relaxing and fun:)
    That tent is swoon-y;) Think we could MAKE one w/ dropcloths and Rit dye???
    Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow - I've got stuff to make Cheddar Chowder - please don't worry about bringing anything!

  3. Awwww. I will just have to wait a little longer for that sweet birdie. Love it~

  4. Your little guy is a doll. He needs to be on baby advertisements.........

  5. Zach is adorable! I would recommend the bird embellishment to anybody! It's easy to apply and looks great!
    Take care,

  6. glad you are getting that bird i can tell people that you really do carry it.
    congrats on baby's bday.

  7. First things first...Happy Birthday to your little man...he is adorable!...and I most enjoyed all your "notes to self" as I can relate! ha ha

  8. Oh my looks like there a quite a few of us waiting for that cute little bird.

    My goodness that year went fast!


  9. Zach is the cutest, most unique looking boy. Lovin' the shiny red curls.
    work at home in india

  10. happy belated birthday, Zach! ditto to the red curls comments--he's absolutely darling!

  11. Hello girls :)
    I am in desperate need of the bird embellishment! I am moving my shop to the main street of our little town and I have saved the new front door just for this lil birdie to land upon...will check back in April!


thanks for peeking! we love your comments!