Saturday, January 9, 2010

Industrial Cottage

The Dec | Jan issue of House Beautiful left me speechless. This magazine has really changed in the last year, love it. This house of Jill Brinson has me inspired , steel windows, bead board ceiling, creamy whites, light wood floors. Love it!
Salvaged shutters for a closet door
{3 photos from House Beautiful}

Let there be light! Tons of it. Must paint my cherry cabinets soon, they are a pain to clean anyway! People call me crazy wanting to paint them, but they are just not me!

I'm dreaming of paint colors........let the work begin soon. Now where is the contractor?
Yoohoo! Eric we're ready. {I think!}

Stay warm, it's definitely grilled cheese and tomato soup weather in these parts, brr.
Here is our favorite homemade tomato soup recipe here.


  1. I love it! all that texture is fantastic!.....thanks for posting those picts - I haven't seen that issue yet....

  2. I agree so so lovely... oh to dream!

  3. I love the decor-and especially the arched windows!

  4. I love this whole industrial trend - the only problem with it is that its making salvage metal pieces really expensive. Damn that popularity!

  5. I want to paint my old dark cabinets. You start then I'll catch up!

  6. You just reminded cherry cabinets need washing...
    I love the idea of steel window frames!

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