Wednesday, October 7, 2009


April 5th 1997

Yes, that's me the night before my wedding. Kasey asked so here it is......
I'm in the middle with my head to one side, because I'm tall. Oh, so wanted to be like 5'7" instead of 5'10.5"!
Sorry it's so small, that's the way it scanned in and plus didn't want you to see too close! {actually you can click the picture and if you really want to have a looky} Picture taken in my little rental house in California.

Oh, dear I went a little crazy with the red eye editing thing-y, it made some of them look like the 1980's eyeshadow craze. No, this picture was from the 90's.

hmmmmm, should dig one up of Darcy, I think her sisters would oblige promptly!



  1. Oh my!! You are GORGE!!!!! Model???

    I've never met you, but I suspect you are as beautiful inside as you are on the outside... :)

    Thanks for sharing, Miss Beautiful!! :)


  2. can i borrow your eyeshadow?
    or your friends purple eyeliner??

  3. Cute Kara! It's so fun to look back at old pictures. Can't believe we are already old enough to look back and think our pictures look 'dated'!!

  4. mom speaking- oh yes the model mode
    went thru their little heads and
    other dangerous callings such as air
    line stewardesses- i cant see Kara
    cleaning up the masses messes!!! xoxo

  5. So beautiful! And I vote that you dig an old photo of Darcy's out.

  6. you are beautiful Kara!

  7. Well of course you looked like a model then...because you still do now! Being tall myself, I totally know what you mean about wanting to be 5'7" - that is exactly what I used to say :)

    :) T

  8. You are a starlet! Its so shocking to see your hair down! I love it! Yes-Darcy Next!! xoxo
    ps i'm trying to finish up some edits for tomorrow! xo


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