Saturday, July 25, 2009

a summer-y weekend to you

pictures from summer 2007............peeking back.............


  1. My mom and I were in Greenville recently, and I was so disappointed to learn I had missed visiting your lovely shoppe before its closure! I'll just have to shop online now!
    I'm having a "Christmas in July" giveaway on my blog this weekend, if you'd like to stop by and enter to win something PINK & Christmas-y!

  2. how i wish i could step back in time and peek inside the shop...or gaze at those pretty windows with their pretty pink crepe paper streamers...sigh!

  3. look how itty bitty the kiddos were! Especially Luke!

  4. Oh, I'm missing it!! But I know you are better off spending more time at home with those fast-growing boys!
    Those curtain panels in the window???... I'm going to be wearing one of them to church tomorrow!! In a new form of course!


thanks for peeking! we love your comments!