Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Dining Al Fresco

{Kip & Matt}

After a friends graduation ceremony {ok, ok we left as soon as Dale's name was mentioned and he was handed his diploma}! Anyway we headed to Milano's in Dayton for some pizza. A casual evening out. I {Kara} is practicing with my new point & shoot camera. Nothing fancy, a Nikon Cool Pix, trying to figure out the anti-jiggle mode. As you see some are blurry and some are clear. I have a lot to learn.

I'm not technical, where as Darcy can change her own headlights on her car. I think she has even replaced an engine or something major in their lawnmower. If there's a will there's a way for Darcy. When we had our shop I would waltz into the store and she would be dangling from the ceiling re-wiring something or other.

{serious jiggling here}
{still blurry}

{I pushed the right's clear}

Anyway sorry for this post, I just thought it was fun to have normal, everyday pictures, even the not so perfect ones!


  1. Hi Kara-
    Once you get the hang of it, you will love it. I struggled with the
    vibration reduction thing too :).
    I have just started using the {macro} setting {the tulip looking button :)} & am loving it for close ups! Enjoy & see you tomorrow!

  2. I love the normal everday pictures of you two. It adds a punch of fun to the blog.

  3. I am dying here thinking how inadequate I am next to Darcy!!! I change light bulbs...does that count for anything. I always love seeing photos of your sweet families.

  4. the one of Darcy looking straight at you is gorgeous! you caught her pure beauty!! xoxo


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