Saturday, June 27, 2009

Curious Sofa {Less Than Serious Surroundings}

Dyed ribbon from Curious Sofa & books, may I recommend.......
*The New Eighteenth- Century Style, ummm this books leaves me speechless. the end.
*Lost Crafts, thatched roof anyone? Me, me!
Petite glittered trophy, I'm swooning!
Wrapped package of maps, sorry I'm enjoying the wrapping!

I enjoyed this store, you know I like a store when I go around the perimeter
about 100 times. That I did!

I also stopped at an antique mall on the way home
Artichoke Annie's {outside Columbia, MO right off I-70} and it was a good stop!
Thanks to Deb's shop girls for giving me the heads up.
I'm kicking myself for not buying a few things, but
husband+two small boys+ 1 million more miles to go="your 15 minutes are up"!
Cherries off our tree, that cute package & vintage linen
Lost Crafts book & spool of vintage unused pink crochet string. This string
will be perfect for tags that will be at the Country Living Fair.
Oh, dear we must get busy, Darcy!

Love, love original packaging!

I was feeling spunky and decided "why not?"
put this bag on the wall......
there are no rules in decorating, right?

Deb's shop girls tucked two bags together
to hold all my heavy books+goodies {yes, I supported the 3/50 project & all in one shop} and yippee another bag to recycle.....
on our bedroom door.
I tell ya the girl on the bag seems to say
"I'm peeking in on ya......have you started your chores yet?"
Then she replies with those eyes....."get busy"..........

gotta go the vacation laundry pile erupted.......


  1. i'm jealous..always wanted to stop there....
    at least i made it to your shop huh!!

  2. I'd say your vacation was good for you, Kara!!!! You are sounding quite relaxed and witty!
    Love the bags hanging on your wall and door, they go great with all the quirky, fun stuff in your house:-)
    Hope you soon have that laundry under control!

  3. Oh I love love love Curious Sofa. I could spend hours in there! Have only been once - hope to make it back again soon - maybe next fall...
    Great finds!

  4. OH MY!!! You came all that way to my store and didn't say hi??? I was in the backroom and they asked me about Artichoke Annies! I am SO SORRY not have met you. If I see you in Atlanta (which I did last time) I will introduce myself. Thanks for shopping us!



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