Friday, November 21, 2008

Picking Christmas Wrapping Colors from an Outfit?

We were smitten by the combo of the colors of J.Crew's outfit-
the deep royal blue, melon and contrast of a greenish yellow. We dove into ordering a collection of velvet ribbons and paper ribbon for packaging, inspired by these colors. As for gift wrap none other than our favorite foil paper. Here we'll show you some packaging supplies inspired by j.crew's picture.

{by the way did any of you see the J.Crew's creative director's home in the latest domino? very fun I tell you!}

The display Darcy did of the bracelets is delightful. Love the texture of the wood in contrast to the jewelry.

Have a lovely day!


  1. I've given your blog an award...go to my blog to check out the details!

  2. Love the color combinations and love how you came up with the idea. Isn't that the thing about can find it anywhere. Loved the pics of you and Kasey. I hope you guys have a wonderful Christmas.


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