Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Christmas 2008 Open House

Here is a flurry of open house pics.
Slightly rested up from last week and on to the next thing!!!! {There's always something brewing it seems like!}
Darcy is out front snapping pics for website and I'm back here blogging. Now is the time to focus on new things for website so they are up before Thanksgiving.
If you make a purchase online and want it wrapped as a gift let us know to whom through our web site's e-mail & we'll wrap in McMaster & Storm style.
As always all of your purchases receive some type of special wrapping.


  1. Everything is just lovely.

    My four year old daughter and I enjoyed this peek of your open house. Her "computer time," the few minutes that it is, is often spent clicking on all of the different items in your online boutique, she loves looking at each one.

    It would be such a joy to visit your shop one day in person with her.

  2. her girlies,
    how was the open house? you left out some details.....

  3. Love all the pics of the shop. So lovely.


thanks for peeking! we love your comments!