Monday, October 13, 2008

Sara's Daughter's Wedding

{Our talented gal that helps us out at the store,
her daughter's wedding October 4th 2008.}

Solid colors of carnations in a beautiful amber square vase.
The tables were covered in dark chocolate brown tablecloths.
Each table had varied colors of monochromatic pink carnations.
I believe Marisa {bride} did the calligraphy number cards on tables

Entrance bouquet at the reception...
love, love the combo of red & pink.

Seating "chairs" held our table number and
had darling petite scalloped sugar cookies inside with
pink sprinkles. {made by Marisa--she loves to bake}

The cake!

Darcy, Sara & Kara
Loved Sara's dress---isn't she lovely!

Thank you for a lovely day!


  1. would love to see more photos of the wedding! Your blog is such a delight and very inspiring! Would you possibly share with me the source for your market carts? I have one very similar that I purchased at a yard sale and would like to be able to source these here in So Cal. Thanks, ERin

  2. What beautiful colors! And the calligraphy is stunning...
    Vicki K


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