Thursday, October 2, 2008

Peek Inside!

Lots of new at McMaster & Storm
more to come tomorrow! 
I will be writing a lengthy blog post 
Friday on all the new with links.
Already 24 new products uploaded
and many more to get done.
Our tech guy is busy getting things done
for us too!

*Purchase 75.00 or more and we'll tuck our 
custom prize ribbon in your package!

{can't wait to show you our one-of-a-kind
ribbons that we make...available late Friday online
we promise! Many of you have been asking
and it's coming to fruition!}

*Purchase $40.00 and we'll tuck our petite tablet set
inside your package.

{shipping not included for the total amount}

We want to finish up website this week and are busy getting our
 store fluffed. Can't wait to show what Darcy has been busy doing 
at the shop.....visual merchandising it's her talent!


  1. I took a "peek"! looks good.
    glad to see you are carrying Joanne's bracelets, they are lovely!

  2. Great new stuff girls! So fun to scroll through your site and see what's new!
    Happy Weekend!


thanks for peeking! we love your comments!