Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Country Living Fair 2008

We guess it's high time to do another post.
Our back room is now in a flurry of
activity to finish up for the fair next week.
We thank the Lord for providing us with inspiration, {even if it's at the last minute}
the drive to finish things up and for His daily blessings in our lives.

We would like to acknowledge the people that have helped out in many ways
for this event.
1.} Our lovely Sara who helps us out weekly in the shop. She is bringing a major project to fruition for this event.
2.} Our printing guy, Steve who is willing and able to accomplish our visions on cardstock. He's the best.
3.} Jill for sewing Kara's dresses for the fair.
4.} Wanda for watching Luke next week. Luke loves her boys and he'll have a ball with them. AND Darcy's Mother for helping her out with her kiddos as well.
5.} Kara's little boy Luke who helped us pack boxes with us at the store on Tuesday. Little ones love to help.
6.} Kara's Mother for coming along and putting up with us the 4 days in Columbus. She is the one that keeps things humming at these events.
7.} The companies that are shipping goodies at the last minute for us.
8.} Matt for helping us load up next week. He is SO excited about this. No, really he loves to help out. WE promise we are more organized this time!
9.} To Kasey of Lola B's Boutique in St. Charles, Illinois that has organized a lovely get together next Thursday evening. I believe some other vendors will be dining with us as well. The Farm Chicks are coming that evening too.
10.} To Country Living Magazine for hosting this fabulous event. You make it worth our time and effort. Thank you!
11.} CAN'T WAIT TO SEE ALL OF YOU THERE! Please drive carefully!


  1. Can't wait to visit you there! Have a lovely week!

  2. oh my girls, feeling the strain over here!
    see you Thursday, and SO looking forward to

  3. Hey girls, take LOTS of pictures of your booth! I don't think I'm going to get to come and I'm sooo sad. I want to at least see a bunch of pictures! I know you will have a wonderful time and sell lots!
    Have fun,
    p.s. Kara I hope those dresses do well for you, they looked so cute hanging here!


thanks for peeking! we love your comments!