Friday, July 6, 2007

Swans a Swimming

Matt & I took a break 2 weekends ago, & one of our friends is begging to get this photo up. When I called Darcy and told her I had spotted the perfect bench and explained further that the bench was held up by concrete or cast iron swans, we both burst into uncontrollable laughter. Darc thought I had lost my mind which does happen on occasion! This "swan bench" would be a perfect addition to our store, but alas it wasn't for sale. Although I'm hoping the owner will sell it to me. I took a picture to show Darcy to prove that it's really a darling bench. She now agrees, end of story!

Young Girl Statue
She seems to be content doing her daily chores
(seen on our trip)


  1. Thank you, thank you, thank you, for getting the 'swan bench' picture posted!!! I agree you didn't lose your mind but I was really wondering what in the world it would look like!! Cute, Cute. Maybe we'll see it in front of your store someday!
    j. flory

  2. I am sure that if you beg the owner enough he'll/she'll sell it to ya!! I am sure you had a very nice trip, and you have a beautiful blog!

  3. Thanks only a paper moon, your blog is lovely also! Glad I found ya!


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