Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Jeni's Ice Cream to be at McMaster & Storm

Jeni's Ice Cream, of Columbus, Ohio, will be at McMaster & Storm in Greenville, Ohio on Saturday June 9th. Jeni will be serving her famous ice cream. Jeni offers flavors such as Bartlett Pear and Riesling Sorbet, Salty Caramel, and Butterscotch with Cocoa Nibs, to name a few.

1 comment:

  1. It's so funny that I should stumble across this just now. A good friend of mine here in St. Louis, Tyler Stallings, was just telling me about Jeni's ice cream! Tyler went to her class reunion this weekend and Jeni's husband was one of her classmates. Isn't it a small world?

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