Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Pics up from Amy Butler Event!

Jeni Britton of Jeni's Ice cream (she's expecting a baby girl!)

L to R Amy Butler, Kara Garber, Heather
Darcy Deaton, Iris Goldflies, Diana & Jeni Britton
Diana demonstrating the new Bernina Activa
Amy signing

Mckell & Amy

Iris & Heather of Skin An Apothecary

A big welcome
Jeni hand dipping ice cream & Amy Butler with her new book "In Stitches"

Signed copies of Amy Butler's book "In Stitches" are available at McMaster & Storm.


  1. your Amy Butler event was wonderful! It was so much fun to meet the fabric designer - she is a wonderful, beautiful, and talented person.
    I also really enjoyed Jeni's ice cream. I can't wait to got Columbus to try some more flavors!
    Iris was great too, so friendly!! I'm putting the shower scrub on my Christmas list!
    can't wait to see your pics!

  2. mom was behind the scenes -cutting
    fabric-it was crazy for awhile!!!
    how many inches in 3/8 yd?? fun. fun.

  3. Yes, thanks mom ---you know your stuff. Thanks for helping us keep on the ball. & that slush---it's always a hit.


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