Saturday, January 27, 2007

Wintry Ohio day

Even though it was cold out
side we hope your hearts were warmed....

Here are more pictures from our "creative class".
Darcy is @ store today and I'm home still in my p.j.s replying to our emails and working on a press release for our friend Margo. I really want to get everything accomplished plus go antiquing today, we'll see.

"goodies" to enjoy

I think it's important to show how we use our products
that we sell. Embellishing simple things can turn it into a keepsake.

finished box--- everyone's box turned out
to be their very own work of art!
Wintertime is the season to work on your projects.
Thanks again for attending our class, Darcy & I hope you felt spoiled.
Kara & Darcy


  1. Great blog Kara & Darcy:) I wish I lived in Ohio so I could attend your fab crafting class! So glad it was well received.
    Lily's in California

  2. I just want to say that the "she's crafty" class was wonderful! It inspired me to do so much with cards and small decor objects. I would do the evening all over again! My only regret is that it was so short! Keep the craft classes Kara and Darcy! And to anyone considering attending when they have another, please do, you won't be sorry!
    J. Flory


thanks for peeking! we love your comments!